Wish list Request

The Atlantic City Free Public Library staff want your input to improve our services. Part of this commitment to excellent service is taking your suggestions for materials to be added to our collections. Perhaps you have read a great review or discovered pre-publication information about an upcoming book. You must be a Library member and be in good standing in order to request an item. If you currently have overdue materials or owe the Library fines, we will not honor the request. If we decide to purchase this item, we can place a hold for you. You will be notified when the materials have arrived by standard mail or email depending on how you have set up your Library Membership Account. Remember that email notification can be setup for you by a Library staff member or via the My Account feature in the Online Library Catalog. Please feel free to fill out the form listed below requesting that we try to obtain items for you. Your request will be sent via email to our Adult Services Librarian. We cannot promise that all requests will be filled but we do promise to make every effort to obtain the material on your Wish-List subject to the Library Collection Development Policy and Library Budget constraints.

First Name(*)
Please let us know your First name.

Last Name(*)
Please enter your Last Name

Library Barcode(*)
Please enter your library barcode number.

Your Email
Please let us know your email address. It will help use greatly if you leave your email address so that we can contact you.

Retype Email
You must have an email address in order for us to reach you.

Please enter the title.

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Year of Publication
Please write a subject for your message.

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Would you like the item in Book, eBook, and/or Audiobook format?(*)
Please select which format you would like to receive the book in. Either regular book, large text book, eBook, and/or audiobook. You can select more then one format if you would like.

Would you like the item in Book, large print book, eBook, and/or Audiobook format?

Please note: At that at this time we can not place newly ordered eBooks or Audiobooks on hold after they are ordered by the library.

Pickup Location(*)
Please select which branch you would like to pick up your item if it becomes available?

Addional Information about your request
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Staff Initials
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